The only javascript you need to start with React


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The only javascript you need to start with React

Hey everyone, welcome to another article here we look at the most common question which is asked by all javascript beginners developers how much javascript should I know to jump into react? and the shortest answer is it depends, yes it depends on what concept you know about the javascript. Javascript is most the powerful and popular language right now and there are multiple concepts, methods, and ways to learn in javascript but in this article, I will explain to you the basic concepts you should know to start with the react, to the end of this article you will get your answer why it depends?


  • React is A JavaScript library for building user interfaces, it is the most popular and demanding framework right now to develop scalable and responsive websites and it's powered by Facebook. React provides a list of features that adds more interactive components and values to your website ad its easy to learn.
  • You just need to understand the basic functionalities of Javascript before starting with React. React is a framework of javascript so when you write react code you actually use javascript but some advanced function and methods you use while developing some React applications.

why it depends

  • Yes, It depends why I will explain you, Because if you are developing something like an image gallery website with react so you don't need to use more javascript but if you are developing alike video chatting application using React then you must be stuck if you are not aware of advance and efficient javascript concepts.
  • There is nothing like learning React and then you don't need javascript absolutely not, you need javascript to learn and develop any application using any javascript framework because you can use React as a library to develop advanced applications and also remember one thing if you think after mastering javascript you can start with React so it not work like you can start with React with the basics of javascript. Now we will see the basics you should know to start with React.

Extreme Javascript Basics

You should know about the working of

  • let
  • const
  • var
  • Primitive datatypes
  • String methods
  • array methods
  • Conditional (For Each loop)

Advanced Javascript Basics

  • Functions
  • Arrow functions
  • Lexical this
  • Spread Operator
  • Destructuring
  • Modules ( Named imports & Default imports )
  • Synchronous and Asynchronous in
  • Call back system
  • Promises
  • Map filter

and now you can go with react but you should also know the react specifics which helps you to develop complex react applications.

React Basics

  • Hooks
  • Components
  • Sockets
  • Web RTC

and there are multiple react-specific concepts you can learn from official react documentation. Start building basics projects using react which helps to understand the core concepts of javascript then jump into complex React fundamentals.

Note: Don't fall into the loop of learning javascript because it never ends javascript is a huge concept and quick updates are there. Start with react build projects the best way to learn React.

Thank you for visiting & reading!

Hey, I'm Ganesh ๐Ÿ– I write weekly articles on javascript development and share resources about web development.

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