Strings in Javascript

Strings in Javascript


Javascript is the most powerful and widely usable language which helps you to create production-based websites. Javascript is used in client-side development as well as backend development and many more things which you can develop with the javascript. JavaScript strings are for storing and manipulating text. Javascript strings contain various methods to manipulate text with DOM (Document Object Model). On javascript strings, are the most common questions asked in interviews. Now we will see the various methods of javascript strings.

String: String is a sequence of characters for example “Hashnode is awesome”.Now there are multiple ways to create a string in javascript but the most common methods are

let text = "Hello hashnode Reader"; // double quotes

let text = ‘Thankyou for reading’; // single quotes

let text = `Hello hashnode Reader`; // backticks

You can use the single quote as well as double quotes to create string and backticks is new ways to write javascript string but always prefer to use double quotes for good practice in javascript.

Javascript String Methos:

1. Length: Javascript length property returns the lengths of the string

let  str="Hashnode";
return str.length();

2. slice(): Javascript slice method extracts a part of a string and returns the extracted part in a new string.

let str = "Javascript, React, Node";
let part = str.substr(6); // Javascript

3. Split(): Converts string into an array.

let str= "Hashnode";
Return str.split(); // [‘H’,’a’,’s’,’h’,’n’,’o’,’d’,’e’ ]

4. toUpperCase():- & toLowerCase() : toUperCase conver string into uppercase letter. toLowerCase onver string into uppercase letter.

console.log("Hello Javascript Developer".toUpperCase()); 

console.log("Hello Javascript Developer".toLowerCase());
// hello javascript developer

5. fromCharCode(): method returns a string created by using the specified sequence of Unicode values.

String.fromCharCode(65,66,77) // ABC

These are the most common string methods in javascript you can play around with and practice but there are also various properties of javascript strings like substr(), replace(), concat(), trim(), and so on….

here you May have seen javascript strings and various methods for javascript strings. Hey, I'm Ganesh 🖐 I write articles on web development and share valuable resources which might help you as a developer or beginner. for more content

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